XL Bolt-On PiXL
The XL Bolt-On PiXL software gives users of Vorne technology even more ways to leverage the XL’s operational display capabilities.

Multiple Challenges:
Do you need to:
- Communicate unexpected events like weather alerts, meetings or news?
- Improve company branding and name recognition
- Reinforce environmental awareness and safety policies.
- Make announcements to shop personnel.
- Encourage and celebrate good work!
One Solution:
The XL Bolt-On PiXL!
The XL Bolt-On PiXL!
- Generate free-form graphics and text and send it to the XL with NO configuration changes!
- Send text and graphics to replace OR co-exist with existing text and graphics.
Features and Benefits:
- Leverages existing hardware for new plant-wide communication!
- Transparently verifies location of Asset/IP address.
Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows 7 & 10, Windows Server 2008, 2014 and 2016
- Supported XL Firmware:
XL V1 1.0.* thru XL V1 1.4.* and V2 V2.10.*
Create messages that co-exist with normal production metrics with NO pre-configuration required!
Pick from a rich library of useful graphics to improve morale and promote community.

Identify networked devices non-intrusively.